nt from esiRNA products is critical, as the under- or over-digested RNA fragment contaminants would cause adverse effects on cells. Traditional purification procedures often involve centrifugation or even electrophoresis, which are both time-consuming and labor intensive in regards to large-scale level synthesis of esiRNAs. The get VX-765 magnetic bead-integrated chip reported here allowed quick and simple purification using a centrifuge-free approach; notably, 3 Large-Scale Manufacture of esiRNAs Using Microchip the insufficiently digested products were removed without the need for electrophoresis or precipitation steps. Our method allows for quantification and normalization of esiRNA products by tailoring the amount of magnetic beads in either the immobilization or hybridization step. Since the amount of transcription and digestion products mainly depended on the number of probes, we optimized the concentration of magnetic beads. Given the cost and yield, we chose the final concentrations of 8 fM or 0.4 pM of magnetic beads for immobilization and hybridization steps, respectively. Our results showed that a three-order magnitude difference of initial DNA template input could result in a variation of no more than 20% of the transcription products if the same amount of magnetic beads was added during the immobilization step. The variation in the production of esiRNA became smaller if the amount of magnetic beads was further controlled during PubMed ID:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22202440 the hybridization step. In order to further confirm the reproducibility of these results, eight esiRNA products were manufactured in parallel. Less than 3% variation was observed in either the transcription or digestion products. These results indicate that the amount of esiRNA products can be normalized by controlling the amount of microbeads. To evaluate the silencing specificity and efficiency of the esiRNAs generated by our novel approach, we manufactured twenty esiRNAs in parallel, including fifteen for GFP and five for PLAU, and co-transfected each of them along with an eGFP vector into 293 T cells. The results demonstrated that only the eGFP esiRNA could silence eGFP protein expression levels, while PLAU esiRNA had no effect. Next we produced seven esiRNAs, each targeting an endogenous gene, and quantitatively assessed the silencing efficiency. Quantitative RT-PCR results showed that endogenous expression levels of all genes were inhibited by up to 50%. We then examined the expression level of the proteins encoded by four of the genes using western blot analysis 48 hours after transfection. We observed that esiRNAs manufactured by either our method or the traditional approach resulted in a significant silence efficiency of approximately 50%. Many cellular pathways and mechanisms are potentiated by multiple factors that work in concert to synergistically regulate downstream events. For example, cells deficient in BRCA1 were shown to be highly sensitive to additional PARP1 inhibition or knock-down, resulting in cell death via apoptosis. Therefore, we next investigated the ability of our approach to assess the effects of inhibiting two or more genes on certain cellular responses simultaneously. We were able to successfully manufacture three pairs of esiRNAs, each pair in a single well in which both DNA templates were simultaneously amplified and immobilized on magnetic beads. Our results confirmed that the presence of two templates together in a single well did not influence the production and normalization