Ipt NIH-PA Author ManuscriptREAGENTSMATERIALSZinc powder (six micron; Alfa Aesar catalogue quantity 10835) Trifluoromethanesulphonyl chloride (Sigma ldrich catalogue quantity 164798) Difluoromethanesulphonyl chloride (Enamine Ltd. catalogue number EN300-31728) two,two,2-Trifluoroethanesulphonyl chloride (Sigma ldrich catalogue quantity 324787) 2-Propanesulphonyl chloride (Sigma ldrich catalogue quantity 242705) Sea sand (Fisher Scientific catalogue quantity S25-10) Distilled water Methanol (certified ACS; Avantor Performance Supplies, catalogue number 3016-22) Acetone (certified ACS; Avantor Performance Supplies, catalogue number 2440-22) Ethyl acetate (EtOAc; certified ACS; Avantor Functionality Supplies, catalogue number 4992-19)Nat Protoc. Author manuscript; obtainable in PMC 2014 July 29.O’Hara et al.PageToluene (PhMe; certified ACS; Avantor Overall performance Materials, catalogue number 8608-22) Dichloromethane (CH2Cl2; certified ACS; Fisher Scientific, Inc., catalogue number D37-20) Deuterated solvents for NMR for instance CDCl3, acetone-d6 and DMSO-d6 (Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc.)NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptEQUIPMENT Weighing balance Weighing paper Weighing boats Round bottom flasks (Quark Glass; one hundred mL (14/20 joint) 250 mL (24/40 joint), 500 mL (24/40 joint)) Sintered glass funnel (Quark Glass; 60 mL (14/20 joint), 150 mL (24/40 joint)) Porcelain B hner funnel (Chemglass; one hundred mL) Erlenmeyer filtering flask (Quark Glass; 250 mL) Graduated cylinder (Kimble Chase; 250 mL) Yellow Teflon caps Disposable syringes (1 mL, five mL, ten mL, 20 mL) Disposable needles (18, 20 and 22 gauge; 2, 4 and 6 inches extended) Metal spatula Eppendorf pipette Pasteur pipettes Teflon-coated magnetic stir bar Magnetic hotplate stirrer Dewar flask Ultrasonicator Rotary evaporator Vacuum pump Vacuum manifold with vacuum line Rubber vacuum tubes 0.25 mm E. Merck silica plates (60F-254) QUANTOFIXchloride test strips (MACHEREY-NAGEL GmbH Co. KG.) NMR tubes (5 mm width)Nat Protoc.Amrubicin Author manuscript; out there in PMC 2014 July 29.Loperamide hydrochloride O’Hara et al.PMID:36628218 PageAccess to NMR, IR, mass spectrometry and elemental evaluation instrumentsPROCEDURENote: This process is depending on working with 100 mmol of alkanesulphonyl chloride utilized. When applying other amounts of alkanesulphonyl chloride, all reagents, solvents, and flask sizes has to be scaled accordingly. (CAUTION: If these reactions need to be performed on a larger scale, the price of cooling of the reaction mixture have to be viewed as because the reaction warms up for the duration of the sulphonyl chloride addition.) 1| two| On a weighing boat, weigh zinc powder (45.77 g, 700 mmol, 14.0 equiv.). Within a 250 mL round bottom flask (with a 24/40 ground glass joint), spot an eggshaped Teflon-coated magnetic stir bar, followed by the zinc dust weighed in step 1. Inside a 250 mL graduated cylinder, measure water (110 mL) and after that pour it into the round bottom flask prepared in step two. Cool the round bottom flask ready in step 3 in an ice-water bath. Stir the zinc-water mixture by turning on the magnetic stir plate; make sure that a constant stirring rate is accomplished. Wait five min to permit the zinc-water mixture to cool. Hold the round bottom flask uncapped throughout this time. For the cooled zinc-water mixture ready in step four, add alkanesulphonyl chloride (one hundred mmol, two.0 equiv.) dropwise by a syringe over 20 min (all the alkanesulphonyl chlorides described herein are liquid at ambient temperature and pressure). Preserve the round bottom flask uncapped d.