88) but not in MCI (Counts et al., 2006). Single cell gene expression studies showed an upregulation of ChAT expression as well as stable levels of mRNAs encoding select subclasses of protein phosphatase subunits (PP1a and PP1g) in GAL hyperinnervated CBF neurons but downregulation in those not hyperinnervated by GAL in AD (Counts et al., 2008; 2009; 2010). Reduced activity of PP1 and PP2A subunits is implicated in tau hyperphosphorylation, which in turn precipitates NFT pathology and subsequent cytoskeletal destabilization in vulnerable neurons (Mawal-Dewan et al., 2004: Yoshiyama et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2015). Taken together, these observations suggest that GAL remodeling may delay NFT pathology in those remaining non tangle-bearing cholinergic neurons, which project to the hippocampus and cortex in AD (Chan Palay et al., 1988; Mufson et al., 1993; Bowser et al. 1997). By get BAY 11-7083 contrast, there are no reports of a similar GAL fiber plasticity response in the hippocampus during the prodromal phase of AD. However, [125I]h GAL binding experiments using AD tissue have revealed a 50?00 increase in of binding sites in the hippocampus including the stratum radiatum, pyramidalis, and oriens in the CA1 region, as well as the stratum radiatum in CA3, and the hilus of the dentate gyrus and a 10?0 increase in the entorhinal cortex in AD (Rodriguez-Puertas et al., 1997). Another in vivo autoradiographic investigation of GAL receptor binding sites revealed a 3-fold increase in layer II of entorhinal cortex in early compared to late stage AD, where binding levels were increased only slightly over controls (Perez et al., 2002). Both basal forebrain GAL fiber and hippocampal complex receptor plasticity occur on a background of extensive SP and NFT pathology late in the disease process. Since GAL has been suggested to have neuroprotective signaling properties (Wynick et al., 2002, Counts 2009) and prevent NFT formation (Counts et al., 2003), GAL overexpression may be yet another example of a plastic response aimed at maintaining remaining neural function but later in the disease process of AD. The precise role that brain reserve plays in any plasticity response during the onset of AD is still unknown.Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author ManuscriptConcluding CommentsThe hippocampus displays multiple structural, neurochemical, molecular, and cellular alterations during MCI that support its role as a hub for neuroplastic remodeling within the medial temporal lobe. These actions may preserve function of this memory circuit in the face of BQ-123 dose mounting pathology. Inter-individual differences in the ability of the hippocampus toNeuroscience. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 September 12.Mufson et al.Pageundergo these compensatory changes may result in the heterogeneity of clinical pathologic findings, supporting the concept of cognitive reserve, whereby certain individuals remain cognitively intact despite the substantive accumulation of AD pathology, while others do not. We suggest that hippocampal neuroplastic pathways provide compelling substrates for therapeutic intervention, wherein mechanisms of brain reserve might be harnessed to modify disease progression in MCI as a molecular switch to counteract or to suppress on select pathogenic pathways that drive the disease.Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author ManuscriptAcknowledgmentsThis study was supported by grants PO1AG014449, RO1AG043375 and P30AG10161.88) but not in MCI (Counts et al., 2006). Single cell gene expression studies showed an upregulation of ChAT expression as well as stable levels of mRNAs encoding select subclasses of protein phosphatase subunits (PP1a and PP1g) in GAL hyperinnervated CBF neurons but downregulation in those not hyperinnervated by GAL in AD (Counts et al., 2008; 2009; 2010). Reduced activity of PP1 and PP2A subunits is implicated in tau hyperphosphorylation, which in turn precipitates NFT pathology and subsequent cytoskeletal destabilization in vulnerable neurons (Mawal-Dewan et al., 2004: Yoshiyama et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2015). Taken together, these observations suggest that GAL remodeling may delay NFT pathology in those remaining non tangle-bearing cholinergic neurons, which project to the hippocampus and cortex in AD (Chan Palay et al., 1988; Mufson et al., 1993; Bowser et al. 1997). By contrast, there are no reports of a similar GAL fiber plasticity response in the hippocampus during the prodromal phase of AD. However, [125I]h GAL binding experiments using AD tissue have revealed a 50?00 increase in of binding sites in the hippocampus including the stratum radiatum, pyramidalis, and oriens in the CA1 region, as well as the stratum radiatum in CA3, and the hilus of the dentate gyrus and a 10?0 increase in the entorhinal cortex in AD (Rodriguez-Puertas et al., 1997). Another in vivo autoradiographic investigation of GAL receptor binding sites revealed a 3-fold increase in layer II of entorhinal cortex in early compared to late stage AD, where binding levels were increased only slightly over controls (Perez et al., 2002). Both basal forebrain GAL fiber and hippocampal complex receptor plasticity occur on a background of extensive SP and NFT pathology late in the disease process. Since GAL has been suggested to have neuroprotective signaling properties (Wynick et al., 2002, Counts 2009) and prevent NFT formation (Counts et al., 2003), GAL overexpression may be yet another example of a plastic response aimed at maintaining remaining neural function but later in the disease process of AD. The precise role that brain reserve plays in any plasticity response during the onset of AD is still unknown.Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author ManuscriptConcluding CommentsThe hippocampus displays multiple structural, neurochemical, molecular, and cellular alterations during MCI that support its role as a hub for neuroplastic remodeling within the medial temporal lobe. These actions may preserve function of this memory circuit in the face of mounting pathology. Inter-individual differences in the ability of the hippocampus toNeuroscience. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 September 12.Mufson et al.Pageundergo these compensatory changes may result in the heterogeneity of clinical pathologic findings, supporting the concept of cognitive reserve, whereby certain individuals remain cognitively intact despite the substantive accumulation of AD pathology, while others do not. We suggest that hippocampal neuroplastic pathways provide compelling substrates for therapeutic intervention, wherein mechanisms of brain reserve might be harnessed to modify disease progression in MCI as a molecular switch to counteract or to suppress on select pathogenic pathways that drive the disease.Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author ManuscriptAcknowledgmentsThis study was supported by grants PO1AG014449, RO1AG043375 and P30AG10161.