that DIG-PP1a interacts with His6Ddx21wt and His6-Ddx21motif1 but has a severely reduced affinity for either His6-Ddx21motif2 or His6-Ddx21double. Equal amounts of all 4 Ddx21 alleles were used, suggesting that motif 2 is required for the interaction between PP1a and Ddx21. Similar experiments with DIG-PP1b, c indicate these isoforms do not interact significantly with Ddx21 under the conditions employed during Far-Western analyses. These results support our previous observation where Ddx21 presence influences PP1a activity. Finally, we initiated in vitro pull downs with bacterially expressed and purified His6-Ddx21, incubated with PP1 isoforms to support the findings in Phosphoprotein Phosphatases at the Mitotic Spindle 6 Phosphoprotein Phosphatases at the Mitotic Spindle Towards the Identification of the Mitotic PP1-Ddx21 Target potential mitotic PP1-Ddx21 substrates are SRPK1-targeted phospho-proteins. The protein kinase SRPK1 phosphorylates Serine-Arginine repeats within the SR proteins, a family of key splicing factors, including ASF/SF2. ASF/SF2 plays a strategic role in interphase splicing but has recently also been implicated in mitosis by the mitocheck consortium. The phosphorylation pattern of the SR STA 9090 proteins in general and ASF/ SF2 in particular is complex, with various partial phosphorylation states each impacting splicing capacity. A recent publication showed that PP1 can counteract SRPK1 mediated phosphorylation of the splicing factor ASF/SF2 in vitro. Furthermore, an independent study confirmed the direct interaction between PP1 and ASF/SF2 in vivo via the PP1-binding motif within the RNA binding domain of the splicing factor. A third group identified ASF/SF2 and Ddx21 as co-immunoprecipitates of TIA-R, an RNA-binding protein with roles in RNA splicing and mRNA translation. These observations suggest SRPK1, PP1, ASF/ SF2, and Ddx21 to be functioning towards common goals. However, where Ddx21 is present at the mitotic perichromatin region, ASF/SF2 is released from chromosomes at mitotic onset and only returns to the chromatin at mitotic exit. As such, ASF/SF2 is an unlikely target for the SRPK1 molecules present in the mitotic spindle and chromatin associated proteome. SRPK1 and PP1 may nonetheless target communal substrates, possibly within the toposome complex, since this contains active SRPK1. To verify their joint presence, we immuno-precipitated SRPK1 from the mitotic spindle and chromatin associated proteome of HeLa cells and probed for the presence of PP1. Our western blot analyses show that PP1 co-precipitates with the SR protein kinase, as does TOPOIIa and hnRNPC1/2. To validate these results, we also performed a reciprocal immuno-precipitation with isoform specific PP1 antibodies. We identified SRPK1 as an interaction partner for PP1a and PP1c but not PP1b. Overall, these data suggest that SRPK1 and PP1 can be part of a mitotic complex and have the capacity to regulate common mitotic substrates, other than ASF/SF2. Whether this target would be Ddx21 itself, a splicing PubMed ID: factor within the toposome or an as yet unidentified substrate awaits our investigation. Discussion Mitosis lasts approximately 3% of the average duration of a metazoan cell cycle, which makes the identification of mitotic protein complexes a difficult process. However, to understand cell growth and division and possibly pinpoint complexes with pharmaceutical potential, the identification of mitotic phosphoprotein phosphatase complexes is key. Here