Mention: untreated perianal fissure and excised warts on terminal phalanges of his third finger of the left hand, big toe and the fifth toe of his left leg as the overgrowth and necrosis at the site of excision. Shortly after admission the patient presents an episode of acute respiratory failure followed by apnea and he is tracheal intubated and mechanically ventilated. Results: During admission the general condition remains serious, the patient remains sedated and respiratory assisted with petechial exanthema, with hypotension, oligo-anuria, anal fissure, and necrotic lesions in the distal finger phalanges. Biological: severe pancytopenia (WBC = 700/mmc, Hb = 8.2 g/dl, platelets = 34.000/mmc), coagulation disorders, nitrogen retention syndrome, hypoalbuminemia, hepatic cytolysis syndrome, procalcitonin and inflammatory tests intensely positive. On smears made from the skin lesions, Gram-negative bacilli were visualized. The cultures of skin lesions were suggestive for P. aeruginosa, confirmed after 48 hours by blood culture identification and PCR determination (Plex-ID). We established comprehensive treatment: antibiotic (meropenem, ciprofloxacin, linezolid), antifungal, inotropic drugs (dobutamine, norepinephrine), ENP (rebalance acid-base and electrolyte), human immunoglobulin, blood and blood products transfusions and Neupogen. The evolution was favorable to the resumption of diuresis after 24 hours, increasing white blood cells and the lesions diminished. Conclusion: Positive diagnosis of severe sepsis was based on clinical and laboratory findings. We have established the likely starting point of the patient’s severe condition to be the multiple skin lesions and untreated anal fissure. Although the patient was immunocompetent, he developed a severe form of sepsis with septic shock caused by P. aeruginosa hardly responsive to treatment. We believe that the patient’s favorable development was due to this germ’s increased sensitivity to antibiotics, most probably community acquired.IL-6, and nitrite production were detected. Systemic oxidative stress was assessed by determining nitric oxide, superoxide anion, and xanthine oxidase activities. In addition, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression was also assessed in leukocytes from rats with AKI. Results: The levels of serum BUN, CRE, IL-1b, IL-6, nitrite, iNOS expression, superoxide anion, and xanthine oxidase activity were significantly higher in rats after CLP. Sesamol significantly inhibited all parameters in CLP-treated rats. Conclusion: Sesamol attenuated AKI by inhibiting neutrophil-initiated systemic inflammation and oxidative stress in CLP-treated rats. Acknowledgements: This study was supported by grants from the National Science Council, Taiwan. References 1. Leithead JA, Ferguson JW, Bates CM, Davidson JS, Lee A, Bathgate AJ, Hayes MK-5172 cancer 26100631″ title=View Abstract(s)”>PubMed ID: PC, Simpson KJ: The systemic inflammatory response syndrome is predictive of renal dysfunction in patients with non-paracetamolinduced acute liver failure. Gut 2009, 58:443-449. 2. Li YH, Hsu DZ, Liu MY: Sesamol attenuates systemic inflammationassociated acute kidney injury in polymicrobial infectious rats. Science Against Microbial Pathogens: Communicating Current Research and Technological Advances Badajoz, Spain: Formatex Research Center: MendezVilas A 2011, 504-510.P71 Noradrenergic neurons regulate the egress and trafficking of splenic monocytes and influence mortality during Gram-negative infection in mice EJ Seeley1*, S Barry2, M.